We hope you and your family are well and safe. COVID will pose a risk for everyone for the foreseeable future. Like you, we are continuing to monitor developments regarding the COVID-19 outbreak closely. We want to update you on our decision-making process and safety protocols moving forward. It is the position of PA RUSH SOCCER CLUB, hereinafter (“PA RUSH” and/or the “Club”) that the decision to attend “in-person” training is up to each individual player and their families, based on individual circumstances and comfort levels. We ask that you communicate with your coach and share your decision. Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association has helped guide us in creating safety protocols to return to play. These are extraordinary times that have moved us all to a new normal, and we know youth sports will look differently this year, but we are excited to get the kids back outside and playing soccer.
Those that are exposed/in close contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case should test regardless of whether they are experiencing any symptoms. In addition, the state has broken down actions to take based on symptoms and vaccination status:
1. Close Contacts Asymptomatic - those exposed and who do not show symptoms should quarantine for 10 days after the last exposure to the infected person or a 7-day quarantine with a negative test on or after day 5 of quarantine.
2. Close Contacts Asymptomatic AND Fully Vaccinated - those exposed to a known positive case and are fully vaccinated (2 or more weeks past after the receipt of the 2nd dose of a 2-dose vaccine, or after the 1st dose of a single-dose vaccine) do not have to quarantine but still must monitor symptoms.
3. Close Contacts Symptomatic - those exposed and experiencing symptoms must self-isolate until (1) ten days since symptoms first appear AND (2) at least one day fever and/or respiratory-symptom -free.
For those that test positive, the state directs these individuals to notify their close contacts - for us that would be teammates, coaches, parents, etc. In addition, the DOH instructs that those that test positive quarantine for 14 day but again, there are different guidelines based on whether the individual has symptoms:
1. Positive and Symptomatic - these individuals should self-isolate until both of the following are met: (1) ten days since symptoms first appear AND (2) at least one day fever and/or respiratory-symptom-free.
2. Positive and Asymptomatic - these individuals should self-isolate until it has been ten days since the day their test was collected.