You are vital to your child's soccer success and fun! The PA Rush Intramural Program is a parental structure that provides administration and supervision for the activity of community soccer. We rely on the the help of volunteers like yourself. As a member of the Club, each family is expected to fulfill a volunteer position listed below, and indicate which one you choose at registration. We appreciate your help and support. If you cannot offer your time as a Volunteer, PA Rush asks that you contribute $50 to the Intramural Program. We thank you for your involvement and support!
Age Group Field Coordinator
At beginning of season organizes the "field set up day" with all the general field crew from his/her age group where the field(s) are set up and lined. Makes schedule assigning teams their responsibility for re-lining of field during season. Reports to the Club Field Coordinator.
Coach and Assistant Coach (U9-U19)
Coaching is perhaps the most rewarding and satisfying way to contribute. This is time spent on the field with your child and his friends. If you like kids, then do not hesitate to be a coach. Experience is not required. There is plenty of information available to help you. Coaches, without you, there is no opportunity for the kids.
Team Manager (U9-U19)
Coordinate team snack schedule and end of year party.
General Field Crew
At beginning of season "field day," participate in layout, setup and lining of your age group fields. During season, re-line your team field when it is your team's turn. During season, take your turn helping the referee with sideline flags.
Equipment Crew
Assist Equipment Coordinator with making equipment bags, placing nets on goals, securing goals to ground and moving goals to specified locations at end of season.
Practice Trainer Assistance:
Parents will be provided a sign up at the beginning of the season. You will select the training to participate in, and you will work with the Trainer to help provide a safe enjoyable training session.
Game Day Coaches U5-8
Parents are needed on Saturdays to be coaches.
U5 players will work with trainers for 30 minutes. Then they will be divided into teams to play a soccer game for 20 minutes. Parents will be used to help during the games. One parent from each team will be on the field and one parent from each team will be on the side line to sub players.
U6 players will be divided into teams when they arrive to the field on Saturdays. Parents will be signed up at the beginning of the season to be a coach on game days. As a coach, you will be assigned a team on your given date. Your child will be on your team. You will manage the game for that Saturday. You will stand off the field, managing the players and the subs.
U7-8 players will be on assigned teams. This is done after the players are evaluated. There will be two parents assigned to each team to be game day coaches. You can select a team name with your players. You will be given the same color T-shirt as your players. When you arrive to the field on Saturdays you will go to your assigned field, wearing your team shirt and your players will locate you.
You will warm your players up. During the game, you will station yourself on the side line with your subs. You will manage your team,
Field Crew:
The field crew volunteers will assist with pre and post season set up of goals/nets on the fields. In addition, there will be a weekly field lining schedule sign up that will be sent out in the beginning of the season. Two volunteers will be needed weekly to line the soccer fields.
Field Coordinator:
One person is needed to coordinator the field crew schedule. You will set up a Sign up Genius for the volunteers to sign up. You will send out weekly reminders. Volunteers will also be used the first two Saturdays of the program, to help check in the players and hand out T-shirts. You will be assigned to your players age group time frame. Help will be needed 20 minutes prior to the session for about 30 minutes