To request a refund, please submit your request through the link at bottom of this page.
The Club Treasurer will monitor submissions for refund requests. Any refund falling within written policy can be approved by the Club Treasurer and processed by the Director of Operations. Any refund falling outside of written policy requires approval from the Board.
It can take up to 4-6 weeks to have a refund request reviewed and a decision made. You will be notified via e-mail once your refund has been reviewed and a decision has been made.
If approved, refunds are provided back to the same credit card used for payment. Refunds are subject up to a 6% fee to compensate for transaction and credit card fees and/or a $25.00 administrative charge. If the refund is as a result of the fault of the Club (i.e. a program is cancelled through a decision made solely by the Club, the Club is unable to offer a position on a team for a player, any fees mistakenly paid due to technical errors or miscommunication, etc.), the Club will waive the credit card fee and administrative charge deductions.
Travel Program Refunds
The Travel program has a stringent refund policy because a player’s acceptance has the effect of denying another player an opportunity to play on a competitive team. Additionally, costs accrue to the Club for services provided to the team based on player headcount. Accordingly, PA Rush Travel Registration fees are non-refundable.
Payment of the PA Rush Travel Registration fees confirms acceptance of commitment to a position on a specific team. PA Rush cannot control which player accepts or declines an offer, or if a player decides no longer to play. In addition, rarely coaches might change, but this does not justify a refund as the player is committing to the Club and the team.
On acceptance to the team, each player agrees to pay the full fee. No refunds, partial or full, will be made to players who choose not to participate at any point after registration for any reason, including players suspended from the program. If your child chooses to leave the team before the end of the season, full payment will still need to be paid. Player release will be dependent on the payment.
The primary exception to this policy is if PA Rush is unable to offer a position on a team for the player. In this case, a full refund will be automatically granted.
The only other exceptions are (1) In the event that a player has a season ending injury, the Board may consider a prorated refund after review of records provided by the treating physician or facility, and (2) For families that move during the season, the Board may consider a prorated refund on a case by case basis.
All Other Programs (i.e. Intramural, Camps/Winter Academy, Adult League, etc.)
These program fees are generally non-refundable and not transferable. Your registration is a commitment to participate.
If any of these programs are cancelled through a decision made solely by the Club, or if the Club is unable to offer a position on a team for the player, a full refund will be granted.
If any of these programs are cancelled due to a pandemic before the program begins, a full refund will be granted.
If any of these programs are cancelled due to a pandemic after the program begins, a Club credit proportional to that part of the program that does not take place will be granted and can be used toward a future program.
In the event that a player incurs an injury, the Board may consider a prorated refund after review of records provided by the treating physician or facility, and for families that move during a season, the Board may consider a prorated refund on a case by case basis.