Hawaii Rush

Pennsylvania Rush Soccer Club

Summer League

Summer Adult League

Game Schedule

PA Rush's Summer Adult League attracts players from age 18 and beyond for fun, competition, and camaraderie.
We are a co-ed league that plays on Thursday evenings in Bucks county (Central Park, upper fields)

Registration numbers dependent, possibility of two divisions.

Cost: $100

Registration link below

League Format:

7 game season

7v7 including goalkeeper played on 9v9 field

Minimum of one female on the field at all times

Two 25 minute halves with 5 min break in between

Game times: Thursdays at 6:00-6:55 pm & 7:00-7:55 pm

Minimum player age must be 18

No Offsides Rule

Absolutely no slide tackling, aggressive play, or foul language

1 referee system for each match

Team names: European Team names

All players will receive a jersey for their team with their registration fee

Registration Now Closed

League starts June 20

Play Dates: 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8

Questions? Have a team or looking for a team? Contact us via email

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